Mini Spot & Fat Jet Ionizer
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Mini Spot Ionizers

Mini Spot Ionizer - Haug Mini-Jet Ionizer from Haug

Mini Spot Ionizer, Haug, Mini-Jet Ionizer, North AmericaThe Haug Mini Spot Ionizer neutralizes electrostatic spot charges with air support and greatest efficiency.

This unit proves its efficiency especially in mounting places where there is little room or where mounting is very complicated.

Positive and negative ions, which are transported by blown air over a great distance, neutralize surface charges on workpieces.

The plug of the electrode must simply be connected to the high voltage power pack and the unit can be quickly set into operation without tools.

The mini Spot Ionizer proves to be a reliable aid in everyday use, e.g. in injection molding for the elimination of material particles or for cleaning of pendants.

Mini Spot Ionizer, Haug, Mini-Jet Ionizer, North America

Cleaning and Maintenance
We recommend regular cleaning of the electrode as dirt may cause considerable loss of efficiency.